Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de circle

to circlecircular

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I circleyo circulo
you circletú circulas
he circlesél circula
she circlesella circula
we circlenosotros circulamos
you circlevosotros circuláis
they circleellos circulan
they circleellas circulan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I circledyo circulé
you circledtú circulaste
he circledél circuló
she circledella circuló
we circlednosotros circulamos
you circledvosotros circulasteis
they circledellos circularon
they circledellas circularon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have circledyo he circulado
you have circledtú has circulado
he has circledél ha circulado
she has circledella ha circulado
we have circlednosotros hemos circulado
you have circledvosotros habéis circulado
they have circledellos han circulado
they have circledellas han circulado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had circledyo había circulado
you had circledtú habías circulado
he had circledél había circulado
she had circledella había circulado
we had circlednosotros habíamos circulado
you had circledvosotros habíais circulado
they had circledellos habían circulado
they had circledellas habían circulado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will circleyo circularé
you will circletú circularás
he will circleél circulará
she will circleella circulará
we will circlenosotros circularemos
you will circlevosotros circularéis
they will circleellos circularán
they will circleellas circularán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have circledyo habré circulado
you will have circledtú habrás circulado
he will have circledél habrá circulado
she will have circledella habrá circulado
we will have circlednosotros habremos circulado
you will have circledvosotros habréis circulado
they will have circledellos habrán circulado
they will have circledellas habrán circulado

I would circleyo circularía
you would circletú circularías
he would circleél circularía
she would circleella circularía
we would circlenosotros circularíamos
you would circlevosotros circularíais
they would circleellos circularían
they would circleellas circularían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have circledyo habría circulado
you would have circledtú habrías circulado
he would have circledél habría circulado
she would have circledella habría circulado
we would have circlednosotros habríamos circulado
you would have circledvosotros habríais circulado
they would have circledellos habrían circulado
they would have circledellas habrían circulado

Participio presenteAnotado
circling circulando

Participio pasadoAnotado
circled circulado

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